MV Frisian Ino
MV Frisian Ino
Uniconnection Chartering & Ship’s Agency’s latest arrival – MV Frisian In (1/3/22)

Our arrival at Brightlingsea Port was to discharge of Big Bagged Cement – loaded ex Setubal (Portugal) Fixed with Hudig & Veder Chartering BV / A big thank you to them for their support.
Arrived and berthed at Olivers Wharf, Brightlingsea at 2300 on Tuesday 1st March 22 – sailed from Brightlingsea 1130 hours Thursday 2nd March 22. Discharge ops 2352 tonnes, completed in a total of 4 hours 10 mins – super fast and another fantastic job by our port team.
Video – MV Frisian In shifting along quay to swing (turn) and sail.